BonBini! In a couple of weeks, we will be under Aruba’s sunny blue skies looking at crystal clear water!
In order for you to have a pleasant travel experience, please see the instructions below for Covid-19 testing and applying for Aruba’s online Embarkation and Disembarkation (ED) program:
1. Please note as of May 15, 2022 there is no required testing or required proof of vaccination in order to travel to Aruba.
2. All travelers are required to apply for Aruba’s online Embarkation and Disembarkation (ED) program. You can apply for the ED program using the below link NO SOONER THAN 7 days before you depart for Aruba.
3. All travelers are required to purchase Aruba’s travel insurance which is included in the application process for the ED program. For travelers ages 15 and up the insurance is $15 per person. All travelers aged 14 and under are exempted from purchasing the travel insurance.
4. A negative test result is required in order to enter the United States. The Ritz Carlton has a testing center on site that will provide testing.
For your convenience, please find attached a Ritz Carlton Recommended Restaurants list along with a local food magazine which lists all restaurants and their menus.
Should you have any questions please contact Francesca Morell, Assistant Program Director.
We look forward to seeing you in the Aruba!
Diana Mariner
Program Director